Yes just 1 minute after posting this mail I realized that hyphen in include
guard is the root.
I always created my own OOT, never added block in existing OOT, good
learning for me !

I understood, the "make install" should place the public header in

Yes the CMakelist.txt was updated by the gr_modtool.

Thanks :)

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 5:51 PM, Marcus Müller <> wrote:

> Hi Sumit,
> On Tue, 2017-11-14 at 17:13 +0100, Sumit Kumar wrote:
> > Added a new block test_block_cf to existing module gr-ieee-80211
> >
> > >> gr_modtool add test_block_cf
> Correct way to do it!
> > It added and test_block_cf_impl.h in /lib and
> > test_block_cf.h in /include/ieee802_11
> it should have also added the appropriate targets in the individual
> CMakeLists.txt,
> >
> > Now I did the usual stuff in my work function, also copied
> >
> > test_block_cf.h from /include/ieee802_11 to /prefix/include/ieee802-11/
> gnuradio/ieee802_11
> > to make it a public header file. Seems gr_modtool does not want to do
> this for me.
> Not its job; it sets up the CMake Files, and then the includes should
> be copied over with a "make install".
> >
> > I also noticed that by default my namespace was ieee802-11 which is
> different from ieee802_11 used by the author. Hence I changed ieee802-11 to
> ieee802_11 in all my files which were generated by gr_modtool.
> That's interesting! So, yeah, the author might have hit a slight
> inconsistency here:
> The project name (just like the folder name) is with -, the namespace
> is with _, so yes, your manual changes are necessary here.
> > Following to this I did following inside build directory of gr-ieee-80211
> >
> > >> make
> > Make throws errors as below which is related to inheritance I guess.
> >
> as you can see, "-" becomes a problem, as it's interpreted as operator,
> so it needs to be replaced with "_" here, too.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
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