The input signature is not a problem here. For gr::io_signature::*make*(2,
2, sizeof(gr_complex)), i.e. when using make, size of all input items is
same. Its is different when using make2, make3 and makev.

On 13 January 2018 at 01:23, Sakthivel Velumani <> wrote:

> Hi Sumit,
> You have given no of input streams as 2 but mentioned size of item for
> only one. This may be the source of the error. Try correcting it and let us
> know.
> Regards,
> Sakthivel
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 10:37 PM, sumit kumar <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to use *gr::io_signature::makev* for my output signature in
>> my
>>     bar_impl::bar_impl(int offset, int freq)
>>       : gr::block("bar",
>>               gr::io_signature::make(2, 2, sizeof(gr_complex)),
>>              * gr::io_signature::makev(4, 4, out_vect))*
>> For that in the header I did following in the header bar_impl.h
>> *const std::vector<int> out_vect = {sizeof(gr_complex),
>> sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(float), sizeof(float)};*
>> It compiles but when I do gr_modtool makexml, it throws this error
>> john@john-Precision-5510:~/nuradio/src/gr-fist$ gr_modtool makexml bar
>> GNU Radio module name identified: fist
>> Warning: This is an experimental feature. Don't expect any magic.
>> Searching for matching files in lib/:
>> Making GRC bindings for lib/
>> tbi
>> Error: Can't parse output signature.
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/home/john/nuradio/bin/gr_modtool", line 46, in <module>
>>     main()
>>   File "/home/john/nuradio/bin/gr_modtool", line 38, in main
>>   File 
>> "/home/john/nuradio/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/modtool/",
>> line 76, in run
>>     self._make_grc_xml_from_block_data(params, iosig, blockname)
>>   File 
>> "/home/john/nuradio/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/modtool/",
>> line 100, in _make_grc_xml_from_block_data
>>     if iosig[inout]['max_ports'] == '-1':
>> KeyError: 'out'
>> Need some help :)
>> --
>> Sumit Kumar
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