On 02/12/2018 06:21 PM, Tellrell White wrote:
> Hello All
> I have a custom sink block that I want to be able to a vector input of
> length 1024, however, I can't seem to change the data type of the block.
> The code I'm using is the following in which the data type is float and
> I've made the vector length equal to 1024, a parameter. The flow graph
> is attached.
> def __init__(self, num_values=1024, V_len=1024):
>         gr.basic_block.__init__(self,
>             name="ED_block",
>             in_sig=[(np.float, V_len)],
>             out_sig=[])
>         self.V_len = V_len
>         self.num_values = num_values
>         self.seen = 0  

Check which types Numpy actually supports. For example, real signals are

-- M

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