You were right, and I installed the Intel x64 Fortran package available

Unfortunately, I'm now getting python.exe crashes when launching GnuRadio
Companion.  I'll try re-installing tomorrow and getting back to you.

Sorry for the late response.  I was (roughly) following the receiving end
of this tutorial:

The list came from something I built from the Windows package. The rtl_sdr
source in particular came with the default install and I didn't think much
of it. Where would I find something like the rtl_sdr source in Linux?  I'm
connecting to an rtl_tcp server on my router.  I can try PyBombs again, but
it sounds like it won't fix my main problem.

Thank you both for getting back to me!


On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 2:00 PM, Geof Nieboer <> wrote:

> Christopher,
> On the windows side, there is a tool called Dependency Walker that has
> been really vital for me to track down missing DLL's.  To use it here,
> right-click on the appropriate Python DLL (Probably C:\Program
> Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\lib\site-packages\
> scipy-0.18.1-py2.7-win-amd64.egg\scipy\special\_ufuncs.pyd) and simply go
> "Analyze DLL".  It will then walk through all the dependencies and figure
> out what DLL is actually missing.
> The version on my machine is looking for LIBMMD.DLL which is part of the
> Intel Fortran compiler redistributable, not MKL.  I would look for that
> file, I will take a note to ensure it is included in the next binary if in
> fact that's the issue.  If you do have it on your machine, make sure it's
> path is included in PATH.
> Geof
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 3:58 PM, Martin Braun <> wrote:
>> Hey Christopher,
>> sorry to hear you're having so much trouble.
>> On 02/22/2018 07:00 PM, Christopher Harper wrote:
>> > I've been struggling to get this working.  I've ended up with partial
>> > success from the Ubuntu package, the Win binary, and the PyBombs source
>> > script.  Really, any three of the following options would be great if
>> > somebody could give me pointers.
>> >
>> > 1) Ubuntu 16.04 package
>> > Using the apt-get package for Ubuntu 16.04, I'm missing components in
>> > the companion.  Specifically, at least the following (found trying to
>> > load a partial-success from 2):
>> >
>> >     >>> Error: Block key "blocks_multiply_const_xx" not found
>> >     >>> Error: Block key "burst_fsk_time_sync" not found
>> >     >>> Error: Block key "burst_slicer" not found
>> >     >>> Error: Block key "es_handler_pdu" not found
>> >     >>> Error: Block key "es_trigger_edge_f" not found
>> >     >>> Error: Block key "rtlsdr_source" not found
>> Which apps/examples are you running? rtlsdr_source, for example, is not
>> actually part of core GNU Radio. That said, some of the others are.
>> > 2) Windows 10
>> > Failing that, I switched to Windows and got much further on the binary
>> > (  Unfortunately, I can't use the "Burst FSK Time Sync"
>> > block.  It's giving me the following DLL error:
>> >
>> >       File "C:\Program
>> >     Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\lib\site-packages\scipy-0.
>> 18.1-py2.7-win-amd64.egg\scipy\special\",
>> >     line 636, in <module>
>> >         from ._ufuncs import *
>> >     ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be
>> found.
>> >
>> >
>> > A little bit of Googling got me to install Intel's MKL Windows package;
>> > didn't help.
>> Not sure about this. First, the FSK time sync block shouldn't be
>> importing scipy. And if that's the issue, I'd except an import error,
>> not a DLL load error. Do you have a _ufuncs_import DLL anywhere?
>> > 3) Linux, PyBombs
>> > I decided to go back to Linux, and picked the PyBombs route (really cool
>> > app btw - kudos to that team!).  Unfortunately, I ended up at the
>> > following compile error (I found something in this mailing list from
>> > 2016 with it, but didn't quite follow what fixed the issue):
>> >
>> >     [ 86%] Building CXX object
>> >     gr-uhd/swig/CMakeFiles/_uhd_swig.dir/uhd_swigPYTHON_wrap.cxx.o
>> >     /home/Chris/grc/src/gnuradio/build/gr-uhd/swig/uhd_swigPYTH
>> ON_wrap.cxx:
>> >     In function ‘PyObject* _wrap_dboard_iface_set_gpio_debug(PyObject*,
>> >     PyObject*, PyObject*)’:
>> >     /home/Chris/grc/src/gnuradio/build/gr-uhd/swig/uhd_swigPYTH
>> ON_wrap.cxx:27935:15:
>> >     error: ‘class uhd::usrp::dboard_iface’ has no member named
>> >     ‘set_gpio_debug’
>> >            (arg1)->set_gpio_debug(arg2,arg3);
>> >                    ^
>> >     ...
>> >
>> >     CMakeFiles/Makefile2:13309: recipe for target
>> >     'gr-uhd/swig/CMakeFiles/_uhd_swig.dir/all' failed
>> >     make[1]: *** [gr-uhd/swig/CMakeFiles/_uhd_swig.dir/all] Error 2
>> >     Makefile:160: recipe for target 'all' failed
>> >     make: *** [all] Error 2
>> >     PyBOMBS.Packager.source - ERROR - Build failed. See output above for
>> >     error messages.
>> >     PyBOMBS.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building
>> >     package gnuradio:
>> >     Build failed.
>> >     PyBOMBS.install_manager - ERROR - Error installing package gnuradio.
>> >     Aborting.
>> I think this is a UHD error that is now resolved. Can you try this again?
>> -- M
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