
based on your original email, I wasn't entirely sure if this was even an
expression of interest in GSoC. A compass widget would be good, but like
Nicolas says, it's not really enough for a project.

-- Martin

On 03/20/2018 03:48 AM, Nicolas Cuervo wrote:
> Hello Valian,
> Thank you for your interest in GNU Radio and GSoC! 
> that compass you put together seems like a good start for what we'd like
> to have. Answering your question: optimally we'd like to have all the
> ones that are listed (and probably even more if we see the necessity or
> applicability of a new one along the way!) But for the sake of clarity
> regarding GSoC, we expect neither a coding wonder nor a very small task.
> My point is: if you are interested in working on this, don't hesitate to
> draft a proposal. We will analyze your proposed milestones and assess
> how real are the deliverables that you propose. If we see that your
> focus is too broad, or that your workload is too low/high, we will be
> very clear on that as well. Just one QtWidget seems too little for a
> Summer of Code (you already have the compass halfway there!) and
> assessing all the proposed points might or might not be too much work.
> It depends on how you would plan to approach the problem in question and
> your experience with all the frameworks involved.
> Have a look at the GSoC Student Guide [1], which has a section on
> "writing a proposal", or keep asking questions regarding this topic if
> you still need a bit more clarification. Keep in mind that the
> application deadline is *March 27, 2018 at 18:00* *(CEST), *so you are
> better off planning accordingly and parallel your interests.
> Regards,
> - Nicolas
> [1] 
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 3:35 AM, Valian Masdani <
> <>> wrote:
>     Greetings, 
>     I've read the ideas list for GSoC 2018 and I somehow managed to get
>     the compass working in Qt using the QPainter coordinate system, and
>     I think this can be appliable in the Qt Widgets Improvement idea.
>     I've attached the screenshot of the widget in this mail. I haven't
>     learned how to change the font size and such, though. I also read
>     that you also need the MPEG decoder and Matrix display in the
>     subtopic, not just the compass. Do you need all of them or just one
>     of them?
>     Best regards, 
>     Valian Masdani
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