Hi Anshul - Do you have a public repo for folks to use for debugging?
Given that your system otherwise passes test and probably works, the
best way to get feedback is via providing the source code. I really have
no other suggestions; sorry! - MLD
On Fri, Mar 30, 2018, at 1:49 PM, Anshul Thakur wrote:
> I used a circular buffer of finite size to keep the past 'N' power
> values of the sample stream in my block as a part of creating a
> running sum. This buffer is initialized to 0 in the constructor.> The running 
> sum of powers is used to compute the average power used in
> computing signal correlation.> 
> I have a capture stream (cfile) to test the operation of the block.
> The test case uses a vector_source_c block to read the contents of the
> file into memory. The unit tests pass without error.> 
> However, when I use the block in a flowgraph in that reads the same
> file from a file source block gnuradio_companion, I am getting the
> first few sample values as 0 which cause a divide by zero problem.
> This messes up the rest of the running sum. I don't want to put an
> 'if' block that checks for the zero condition as it is not expected
> that a device/stream would ever spit out zero values.> 
> (a) Why am I getting the initial zero samples from the file block in
>     gnuradio_companion and non-zero values when using a vector_source
>     in unit tests?> 
> (b) What can I do about it (here specifically as a fix to the
>     situation, and a general guideline to always remember)?> 
> I am using GNURadio version 3.7.12. 
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