I don't think there's a preamble. Yeah it looks good except @4.75s into the
screenshot where it's half one bit, half another. But that should be fine.
There's supposed to be lots of redundancy in the protocol so I should be
able to extract it.

I think where it jumps around it's just noise.

On 2 April 2018 at 10:41, Marcus Müller <muel...@kit.edu> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> This is a very nice demodulation! Congratulations!
> Regarding frequency sync: I count roughly 80 bits in your packet. Is there
> some synchronization preamble perhaps in the beginning, where the quad
> demod jumps around?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 2 April 2018 10:48:00 GMT+02:00, Thomas Habets <tho...@habets.se>
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> As an experiment I'm trying to decode an FT8 signal I've captured. I've
>> gotten far enough that I can clearly see the packet (
>> https://blog.habets.se/tmp/ft8_packet.png), but now I want to actually
>> turn that into bits.
>> I know it's 8FSK (the above screenshot is quad demod of that), but I have
>> a few questions on clock recovery:
>> * Is the GFSK block only for BFSK? If so then that's out.
>> * Is there a "best" clock recovery block nowadays? I seem to recall
>> "Clock Recovery MM" being discouraged in favor of "Polyphase Clock Sync".
>> * I'm trying to read up on the parameters Polyphase Clock Sync wants, but
>> any pointers would be helpful.
>> * Would it be a good idea to throw in a costas loop for frequency tuning?
>> * Does Polyphase Clock Sync have the same dislike of "staircase" inputs?
>> That is, I should try to make the center of the bits more "pointy"? (e.g.
>> lowpass filter them)
>> I've done some custom OOT decoders before, so I'm not shy about that.
>> Maybe the best thing is some whole-packet clock recovery[1]. But if I just
>> write a block that takes the quad demod (see above screenshot) and finds
>> the "platforms", outputting a message that is a list of floats, and then
>> another block that takes a list of floats and the number 8 and decodes it
>> as 8FSK, well it seems like I may be reimplementing things where I'm
>> guessing someone might say "oh just use this block".
>> Also for experimentation and my own understanding I'd like to turn it
>> into bits using in-tree blocks, if possible.
>> Maybe a correct Polyphase Clock Sync of the quad demod followed by a
>> Constellation decoder? I could use the float as the phase, with magnitude
>> 1. Does that make sense? Is it a good idea?
>> What I have so far is:
>> Data:
>>   https://blog.habets.se/tmp/ft8-burst-10k.raw (10k samp_rate)
>> GRC:
>>   https://blog.habets.se/tmp/ft8_decode.grc
>> Screenshot:
>>   https://blog.habets.se/tmp/ft8_decode_grc.png
>> (everything off-screen to the right is failed clock recovery experiments)
>> Quad demod
>>   https://blog.habets.se/tmp/ft8_packet.png
>> [1] Like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQkBDMeODHc which I turned into
>> https://github.com/ThomasHabets/radiostuff/blob/master/
>> gr-habets/python/magic_decoder.py
>> --
>> typedef struct me_s {
>>  char name[]      = { "Thomas Habets" };
>>  char email[]     = { "tho...@habets.se <tho...@habets.pp.se>" };
>>  char kernel[]    = { "Linux" };
>>  char *pgpKey[]   = { "http://www.habets.pp.se/pubkey.txt"; };
>>  char pgp[] = { "9907 8698 8A24 F52F 1C2E  87F6 39A4 9EEA 460A 0169" };
>>  char coolcmd[]   = { "echo '. ./_&. ./_'>_;. ./_" };
>> } me_t;
> --
> Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Gerät mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

typedef struct me_s {
 char name[]      = { "Thomas Habets" };
 char email[]     = { "tho...@habets.se <tho...@habets.pp.se>" };
 char kernel[]    = { "Linux" };
 char *pgpKey[]   = { "http://www.habets.pp.se/pubkey.txt"; };
 char pgp[] = { "9907 8698 8A24 F52F 1C2E  87F6 39A4 9EEA 460A 0169" };
 char coolcmd[]   = { "echo '. ./_&. ./_'>_;. ./_" };
} me_t;
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