Boost 1.67.0 was released over the weekend, and there are incompatibilities 
introduced by it for both GNU Radio and UHD -- both release and current GIT 
master of each. Volk latest release as well as current GIT master both seem to 
build and test cleanly using this new Boost version.

The OS-independent issues seem to arise from changes to `boost::posix_time` and 
how the types it now uses for keeping track of various time durations -- I 
think integer now versus floating point prior. There is a public PR for UHD 
already open < > that I'm looking 
at to see if it addresses the new Boost issues robustly.

For UHD on Mac OS X / any Darwin kernel there's also an unfortunate 
incompatibility added between the GPSD and Boost APIs: the new 
`boost::posix_time` now includes <mach/mach_time.h>, which (indirectly) defines 
"policy_t" at the top-level namespace (typedef to `int`) ... as does <gpsd.h> 
(typedef to a struct). I'm not yet sure what a good fix for this issue is 
beyond disabling GPSD.

Cheers! - MLD

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