Happy Friday,

What is the max sample rate for the Ettus e310?

When I ssh in and perform the benchmark_test, I get the following:

$/usr/lib/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate --rx_rate 12e6 --tx_rate 12e6
 . [other stuff here]
UHD Warning:
    The hardware does not support the requested TX sample rate:
    Target sample rate: 12.000000 MSps
    Actual sample rate: 8.000000 MSps
Testing transmit rate 8.000000 Msps on 1 channels

When I set the target sample rate to 16MS/s, I get OOOOOOOOOO.

Does this mean that 8MS/s is the highest sample rate which the e310 will work?

The data sheet says the max ADC/DAC sample rate is 61.44MS/s, so shouldn't I be 
able to stream data at a divisible of this?

Laura Huddleston

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