
I was converting the single channel FFT block to dual channel FFT block. I took the fft_vcc_fftw.cc code and tailored it for dual channel. Also I edited the corresponding xml file.

But when I try to run it in any application from GRC, it says

self.fft_vxx_0_0 = Template error: #if $type() == "complex"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Name of the GRC block is FFT DC and the corresponding c++ file is inside gr-fft, named : fft_vcc_fftw.cc & fft_vcc_fftw.h

The xml file name is fft_fft_vxx_dc.xml

I have pushed the code here https://github.com/sumitstop/MTSDR-gnuradio

Only last three commits are relevant.



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