Hi Vipin - Easiest way is to just install gnuradio-devel:
sudo port -f deactivate gnuradio
sudo port install gnuradio-devel
Assuming that the 2nd command works, then in your OOT when you "make"
for the first time since this GR change CMake will redo configuration &
you should be good to go. Hope this is useful! - MLD
On Wed, May 16, 2018, at 9:57 PM, Vipin Sharma wrote:
> Thank you. I was just trying to build a custom block in GnuRadio.
> GnuRadio itself is what I got from MacPorts.> 
> I will wait for your fix. If the work involved more than a few days is
> there an alternative I can try out to bypass the issue for now?
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