Hi Marcus,

This machine did not yet have a volk_config when I ran these tests.

I have since run volk_profile and rebooted, and the Float->Char quantization bug still occurs.

$ volk-config-info --machine

$ grep volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i .volk/volk_config
volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i u_sse2 u_sse2

Regards, Paul Boven.

On 06/09/2018 05:30 PM, Müller, Marcus (CEL) wrote:
Hi Paul,

hm, OK, considering the actual conversion is done in VOLK, can you tell

* whether ~/.volk/volk_config exists (and if so, its contents regarding
volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i )
* what the output of `volk-config-info --machine` is?


On Sat, 2018-06-09 at 17:13 +0200, Paul Boven wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to perform 2 bit sampling of an RF signal. In one
I'm using a float->char block, and noticed that around zero, a number
float inputs become quantized in a bin that's one off from the
value. The ones that are wrong are always off by one, with their
quantization error always in the direction of zero.

The problem can be demonstrated with a really simple flowchart,
the following blocks:

* Noise Source (Noise Type: Gaussian, Amplitude: 1, Seed: 0, Output
type: Float)
* Throttle
The throttle is then connected to two blocks:
* A file-sink (Type Float) and a
* 'Float to Char' block.
* The float to char block is again connected to a File Sink, now of

As an example, I've plotted all the samples that quantized as zero.
These should fall in the range [-0.5:0.5], but occasionally we also
hits that lie within [-1:1]. These mishaps are rare (about one in
It also shows that they only occur at multiples of 8192 samples, and
zooming in reveals that they always happen shortly before the next
multiple of 8192, not after.

For other values than 0, the same applies, but the misquantizations
only in one direction, ending up in a lower bin if the input is
positive, or in a higher bin if the input is negative. Again, the
misquantizations only occur in half the bin: For a value of 1, the
value should be in [0.5:1.5], but occasionally a value in [1.5:2]
ends up being quantized as 1.

This seems to me a bug that is somehow related to internal block
boundaries, but I'm not familiar enough with the internals of
to figure out just what's going wrong.

The problem does NOT occur when converting to Short or Int.

This is using GnuRadio 3.7.11 (as packaged with Ubuntu 18.04).

Regards, Paul Boven.

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