Thanks for the reply, Michael. As you said, I found a lot of discussions
about this topic, but no answers as to the solution of the issue.

Some things that I tried to change were the fft length (changed to 128 from
default 64), CRC length (32 to 64) and I changed the constant multiplier
block such that the abs() of the Tx waveform was < 1.0 approximately. All
with no luck, sadly.

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 8:06 PM, Michael Dickens <>

> Hi Usama - I'm confident that if you searched back through the GR
> discussion archives, you'd find discussions about this topic: <
> query=header_payload_demux0&submit=Search%21&idxname=
> discuss-gnuradio&max=20&result=normal&sort=score >.
> The "Parser returned #f" means that the OFDM header didn't pass CRC, which
> generally means that the "SNR" isn't adequate, but it could mean other
> things too. There are numerous possible issues that you will encounter when
> using GR's OFDM.
> * Start with the -default- OFDM settings (e.g., FFT of 128, C/P of 32) and
> see if those work.
> * Add a "gain" block immediately after the Tx OFDM block, with settings
> from (say) -10 dB to +10 dB; play around & see what happens on Rx. You'll
> want the Tx OFDM block abs() output to average around sqrt(1/2) or so, but
> less than 1.0; peaks will typically be over 1.0. Get the gain from above
> such that this is the case & you're one step closer. This value decreases
> the chances of saturating the USRP on Tx.
> * After you've gotten a stable system working (gain is the key when using
> default OFDM parameters), start playing with other OFDM parameters:
> constellation, FFT length, and so forth --> BUT: one at a time.
> * If you find one that doesn't work, reset its values and go to another
> one. If some parameter continues to be stubborn, post back here with your
> progress, tests & actual GRC script asking for help again.
> Hope this is useful! - MLD
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, at 4:57 AM, Usama Saeed wrote:
> Hello, this is my first time posting a question:
> I tried using the ofdm_tx and ofdm_rx examples with two USRP B200s, but
> even though I could see the ofdm spectrum on the receiver end, the time
> graph at the end of the demodulation was blank (straight line at 0) and I
> received the error
> "gr::log :INFO: header_payload_demux0 - Parser returned #f
> gr::log :INFO: packet_headerparser_b0 - Detected an invalid packet at item
> 6720"
> The associated screenshots are posted on this page:
> ofdm-demod-in-gnu-radio-not-return-anything
> Thank you for any assistance.
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