
I am experiencing an issue when running gr-fosphor in GNU Radio. I am
getting the following issue when ever I run my flowgraph:

*[+] Selected device: GeForce GTX 1080[!] CL Error (-5,
/home/ruvalcab/prefix/src/gr-fosphor/lib/fosphor/cl.c:480): Unable to share
spectrum VBO into OpenCL context*

I followed the install instructions for both the drivers and the gr-fosphor
block as was instructed in the fosphor wiki page. When I run it, my
Spectrum plot does not appear. I am currently running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, GNU
Radio 3.7.12 and I have a GeForce GTX 1080 GPU.

Has anyone seen this issue before, and if so, can’t anyone shine some loft
in how to go about solving it?

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