#define POLYA   0x6d
#define POLYB   0x4f

If I modify viterbi.c in gr-fec/viterbi (swapping the polynomial coefficients)
#define POLYB   0x6d
#define POLYA   0x4f
$ xxd word.bin
00000000: 1acf fc1d 0000 0000                      ........
$ cat word.bin | ./encode > t
then t is
0000 0011 0101 1101 0100 1001 1100 0010 0100 1111 1111 0010 0110 1000 0110
  0    3    5    D    4    9    C    2    4    F    F    2    6    8    6...
so while I am not sure I understand why ones and zeros are swapped using this
encoding, it does seem to me that the two polynomial coefficients of the
LRPT code are swapped in this example.


JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency/SENSeOR, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe, 25000 Besancon, France

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