Being new to gnuradio, there is a wealth of knowledge I
don't have yet so that is why I am here.

        GRC is obviously an extremely clever and useful tool for
those who can use it.  One draws the picture and GRC spits out
the thousand or more words of python needed to describe the radio created
in the diagram.

        Those of us computer users who happen to be blind have to
be content with the text version of programming and one of the
best ways to begin to understand how to do it is to start with
something that works and keep breaking it until it does what we
want it to do.

        Three interesting projects I want to per sue is to be able
to monitor DMR communications systems in our area, decode packets
from a weather station and receive the little data bursts from
the valve stems on the tires on our Toyota.  Actually, I bet that
is a generic system that is used on a lot of cars in which each
tire outputs a packet every 64 or so seconds containing an ID
address for the tire, (think MAC address) plus it's temperature
and internal pressure.  Those data are sent on a very short burst
on about 315 MHZ.  When you see a light on your dash complaining
about tire pressure, it's either low or the battery in the $600
valve stem transmitter has given up the ghost and the computer in
your car that manages the tires and other systems has not heard
from that stem in several minutes.

        Is there a repository of known-functional python code
files one can use as examples for correctly stringing the gnu
radio modules together?

        Finally for now, can one import python code in to GRC and
get the GUI diagram (flowgram)?

        I am retired, now, but when I first began to program in
perl about 5 years ago, I got howls from coworkers about
indentation and format even though a given program might work.  It
turns out there is a program called perltidy that will take your
flea-bitten code and make it beautiful.

        So, I want to start in python on the right foot and write
code that can be shared if necessary.

Thanks for any and all constructive ideas

Martin McCormick  WB5AGZ

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