
I am having this issue on a freshly installed Ubuntu 16.04 machine.

I installed GNU Radio using apt-get and then gr-ieee 80211. While running
an example of gr-ieee 80211 (wifi_loopback.grc), it runs for a while and
stops -- no error or any log on the terminal at all.

Here is a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmpb0_G6DBc

In an another case, while running ofdm_loopback.grc located in

, the ofdm_loopback generates 39 packets correctly, before exiting with the
error "std::bad_alloc" for packet 40 and 41.

It is a formatted new laptop, and everything is clean, no residue of the
previous install, etc. Could anyone please give me a clue to debug it.

Let me know if more information is needed.


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