
(inline comments)

On 27/02/19 05:37, Cinaed Simson wrote:
There's problem with the grc file - it doesn't load into grc.
The embedded python code is using ">" instead of ">" - at least that
was my guess.

I don't know. It seams to work as is on my machine (ubuntu 16.04).

I do also see the "&gt" in the .grc file, but when I open the python source-code from gnuradio-companion, they are replaced by "<" and ">".

As for your question, do you mean select a waveform in the signal source

No, what I want to do is to allow the user to select the output type.

If you look at the signal-source block, it can output complex, float, int or short. I was wondering how to implement that as part of an embedded python block.

In my current python code, I have this:

                        name='morsecode encoder',
                        out_sig=[np.complex64] <<<<<------

(Where the "out_sig = ..." describes the output type)

I would like to make this output-type user-selectable.

-- Cinaed
Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.

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