Hi Rajpreet,

though it shares many characteristics of one, GSoC is not an
I'd recommend reading our GSoC Student info page[1] and the Google
Summer of Code FAQ [2]:

> > Is GSoC considered an internship, a job, or any form of employment?
> No. GSoC is an activity that the student performs as an independent
> developer for which they are paid a stipend.

We're expecting you to go through the list of ideas, pick one that
truly interests you and is within your realm of abilities to achieve
within the timeline, and deliver self-defined milestones that you
formulate in a proposal – in that sense, GSoC is really more like
applying for a project grant than an internship.
If you get accepted with your proposal for GSoC, your mentor will very
gladly guide you on a professional level – but you'll definitely be
more than an intern to a company. We're expecting a pretty high level
of independence from you!

Best regards,

[1] https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/GSoCStudentInfo
[2] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/faq
On Thu, 2019-03-14 at 15:59 -0400, RK G wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I am Rajpreet Kaur Gulati from Philadelphia. I am 3rd year student at Temple 
> University, Philadelphia.  I am very much interested in GNU radio  project of 
> gsoc. I have the knowledge of GNU radio and USRP boards. I want to work as an 
> intern under your guidance. If you have any project which is suitable for my 
> category please let me know.
> Thank you
> Rajpreet
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