Hi Toby,

what's the verbatim cmake command line Yocto is executing? 

Since it's impossible for the build system to know by itself what the
target python will be, unless you tell it which, we'll have to figure
out a way to consistently set Python used during CMake, Python used
during build, and Python used on target.
It's a complicated thing, actually – the python that the build system
internally (a lot!) doesn't have to be the one the used to link SWIG
files against.
So, I see no way but to set the PYTHON_LIBRARIES and
PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS explitly in the cmake command line. (If anyone
could point me towards an easier solution that doesn't trade project
sanity for having one argument fewer in a OE layer, I'd be very happy.)

Now, I don't know if all this is related to your problem. But then
again, I don't know anything about the OOT module you're trying to
build. So far, we don't have overly many 3.8-compatible OOTs, so if you
can point us to the one you're working with, that would be highly
appreciated. One of the main reasons of breakage is that the old CMake
constructs we used to employ in GNU Radio have been replaced by more
modern CMake patterns, which especially means that the notion of
component dependencies and hence install targets has changed.

Best regards,

On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 13:21 -0400, Toby Flynn wrote:
> I am attempting to install OOT modules using a Yocto/Openembedded
> enviroment and the latest GNURadio 3.8.  This process was working
> before the latest cmake changes to 3.8 were incorporated.  I am now
> having issues with the cross-complitaion.  I have tracked the issue
> down to a file I believe is created by cmake:
> build/gnuradio-
> runtime/swig/CMakeFiles/Export/lib/cmake/gnuradio/runtime_swigTargets
> -release.cmake
> When building directly on a computer this file has difference, line
> 10 than the one build using Yocto.
> Direct build on a computer the line is:
> packages/gnuradio/gr/_runtime_swig.so"
> On the Yocto build the line is:
> IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-
> packages/gnuradio/gr/_runtime_swig.so"
> The missing ${_IMPORT_PREFIX} leads to cmake issues since
> _runtime_swig.so cannot be found.
> Does anyone have a suggestion for something I can try to fix the
> issue.
> Thanks
> Toby
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