Hi Sebastian,

classic one!

You send the messages in the block's constructor in an endless loop.

So, that constructor never finishes.

Thus, the block never can get message-connected. Thus, your messages

You can't publish message in a constructor. Spawn off a thread in the
`start()` method to do that.

Best regards,

On Thu, 2019-05-23 at 17:42 +0200, Sebastian Sahlin wrote:
> Hi,
> For learning purposes I'm trying to replicate the functionality of the 
> Message Strobe block in Python, however I'm stumped by what should be a very 
> basic function. I'm simply attempting to publish a message every x seconds:
> def __init__(self, period):
>         gr.basic_block.__init__(self,
>             name="msg_strobe",
>             in_sig=None,
>             out_sig=None)
>         self.message_port_register_out(pmt.intern('msg_out'))
>         while(True):
>             self.send_message('Hello World')
>             time.sleep(period)
>     def send_message(self, string):
>         self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('msg_out'), pmt.intern(string))
> However there is no message published to the Message Debug block.  
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