
a full agreement from my side: especially when using Ubuntu 19.04, you
get a pretty recent GNU Radio. If you want to talk to your hackRF, you
need gr-osmosdr, too, so

sudo apt install gnuradio gr-osmosdr

and the thing is set up.

Best regards,

On Tue, 2019-06-11 at 10:18 -0400, Michael Dickens wrote:
> Hi geraldfenkell -
> On modern Ubuntu, you should be able to just issue "sudo apt install 
> gnuradio" and after some ado GNU Radio will be installed. See also < 
> https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/InstallingGR#Linuxux >.
> The HackRF software interface should be pretty easily installable on Ubuntu 
> (or any other UNIX-y system), and then you can use a GR out-of-tree (OOT) 
> such as "gr-osmosdr" to get a GR interface to your HackRF One.
> Hope this is useful & good luck! - MLD
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2019, at 10:05 AM, geraldfenkell wrote:
> > 2019-06-11
> >  
> > I have successfully installed GNURadio on my Windows 10 machine and also 
> > have a live usb thumb drive for two 
> > versions of ubuntu (18.04.2 and 19.04).  I now wish to use the package 
> > manager for these ubuntu systems to apt get install
> > GNURadio and companion.  I do not know the names to use for the package nor 
> > how to find them out.
> >  
> > Help would be appreciated.
> >  
> > Please note that after I do that, I want to install (from his git 
> > repository) the Michael Ossmann add on
> > for GNURadio to use HackRF One with GNURadio to follow his course.  I have 
> > not had any success with
> > getting a working version of Pentoo Linux to a Live USB Drive and/or 
> > getting Live SDR of GNURadio (which
> > does contain the necessary blocks) but says in its wikipedea that it is 
> > "retired". i.e. not available. I presume
> > that I will run into some problems  with dependencies (but will gain 
> > experience) when I try to "compile" the
> > material from his Git repository.  
> >  
> > Thank you
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