I'm working with grc and a LimeSDR board and saw that there is the "OFDM Mod" Block available that I thought I could use to generate a broadband signal that is similar to a channel in LTE.
In detail I want to generate a signal with a known bandwidth like 5MHz  and analyze how the LimeSDR works with that for different frequencies and gains. Therefore I just took a random source the OFDM Mod block and the Limesuite sink ( Gr-limesdr Plugin from Myriad) to generate such a signal. 
The thing is that I don't really get how the parameters "occupied tones" and the "FFT length" work in that case. Is the occupied tones equal to the numer of subcarriers? If yes where do get to know the subcarrier spacing because if I'm right this is different for LTE or 802.11a .
And what about the parameter "FFT length"?
I would appreciate any help or suggestions.
Thank you in advance
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