Hi Ralph and others,

When I work on a project, I use the tools I have, along with the knowledge of how to use those tools. Over the past 50+ years of my career, I have done mostly real-time embedded software. Most of those projects required a cross-compiler to produce the object code. Since that was my work, I had the tools to get it done.

Now I am retired, programming for fun, and playing with gnuradio as part of my amateur radio hobby. I used to have a good Linux system, but it crashed, so what I have left is a Mac mini - yes, I plug an HDMI monitor and a USB keyboard into it ;) Looking back at the specs for the Linux system, the Raspberry Pi has more capability than it did: faster, more memory, etc. So why not use it?

I think we are getting off-topic here, except for the fact that GR 3.8 *can* be built on an rPi 3B+. So let it run over night :)

Happy computing!
Barry Duggan KV4FV

On 2019-08-01 07:34, Ralph A. Schmid, dk5ras wrote:

Unfortunately having an HDMI connector for a display and a USB port for the keyboard with a ready-to-use distribution such as Raspbian makes RPi users
believe that they have a full computer available and forget proper
embedded system development practices as I see daily from most students.

They really do connect display and keyboard to it? I did this the very
first time after maybe two years with my zoo of Raspberries, just to
see if my TV could cope with it.

Would anyone consider running gcc on a low-power STM32 or MSP430 for
compiling the firmware ?

What is the problem? When the aim is not learning how to cross compile
stuff (what can be quite complicated) but just let the compiler run,
who cares if it takes one or ten hours? 3.7 went faster on my RasPi,
using more cores could have helped, but I did not care as I just went
to bed, and had a look after my morning coffee :)

I agree when you are doing this for a living, then time may be money,
but even then just letting a RasPi sitting in the office corner and
compile is quite doable.



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