Hi Folks!

I'm building gnuradio using pybombs on Ubuntu 18.04 (x86_64)

My intention is to have it use python3.

When I do this:

sudo pip3 install PyBOMBS
pybombs auto-config
pybombs recipes add-defaults
pybombs prefix init ~/gr/default -a default -R gnuradio-default

It builds, and generates python3 code, however setup_env.sh references 2.6
and 2.7.

Am I missing something?

The config seems reasonable:

    default$ pybombs config
    PyBOMBS.ConfigManager - INFO - Prefix Python version is: 3.6.8
    PyBOMBS - INFO - PyBOMBS Version 2.3.3
    PyBOMBS.config - INFO - Using config file:
    python_ver: 3.6.8
      - Python version for this prefix
    default_prefix: default
      - Default Prefix
    git-cache: /home/eric/.pybombs/gitcache
      - Path to git reference repository (git cache)
    makewidth: 4
      - Concurrent make threads [1,2,4,8...]
    elevate_pre_args: ['sudo', '-H']
      - For commands that need elevated privileges, prepend this
    packagers: apt,pymod,pip,pkgconfig,cmd
      - Priority of non-source package managers
      - When rebuilding, default to keeping the build directory
    builddocs: ON
      - Build doxygen while compiling packages? options are: ON, OFF
    cmakebuildtype: RelWithDebInfo
      - CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE args to pass to cmake projects, options are:
Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel

I've worked around it by editing setup_env.sh.  Is there a better fix?
Where would it go?

Thanks for all of your efforts!  Super happy to see released!

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