Hi Madhuri - Your question is -very- open ended ... there are plenty of
ways to implement such a system ... much depends on specifications &
constraints that you haven't mentioned: limits on RF bandwidth? timing
constraints? what SDR HW capabilities? what CPU HW capabilities? what sort
of RF channels are you expecting? I'd recommend starting with some
practical DSP & SDR books to get started; there are lots here <
https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/SuggestedReading >. If you can narrow
down your specifications / note specific constraints, we might be able to
provide some specific insights ... until then, you'll just get generalities
such as this reply. Hope this is useful! - MLD

On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 7:20 AM Madhuri Gummineni <
madhuri.vijay2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,
> i am trying to write grc flow graph  to switch(hop) from one frequency to
> other if it detects  the password.
> if one usrp send a message as switch it should to other frequency.
> for this what are blocks that are required.
> planning like a remote operation to switch a sdr or usrp to switch or hop
> based on password.
> if one usrp send a message as password, then other usrp/sdr should hop if
> password is correct otherwise it will not hop
>  please help me sir

Michael Dickens
Ettus Research Technical Support
Email: supp...@ettus.com
Web: https://ettus.com/

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