Hi Ed,

"deliberate" would be wrong. Surprising, not really, if we'd have read
the info mails from the gnu.org mailing list admin more carefully:

In the process of respecting DMARC in the ML infrastructure, they
disabled rewriting of the subject line for outgoing mail servers that
signal strict DMARC compliance. The mailing list seems to think your
server does (I don't know why, to be honest, can't seem to find those
DNS entries).

So, for now, my understanding is that there's nothing *we* can do about
it. (We should be able to change the settings of the ML; but in which
range, and what we'd break on the way, isn't quite clear to us at this

For some reason, my university mail server seems to sort these mails
correctly, and so do GMail instances. Probably a list header? 

Best regards,

On Wed, 2019-10-30 at 09:17 -0400, Ed Criscuolo wrote:
> I've noticed that recent postings to the list are missing
> the "[Discuss-gnuradio] prefix that was automatically
> added to the subject line.
> Was this  a deliberate change? I hope not, as I find that
> feature very useful in picking out the list messages
> from amid all the spam.
> @(^.^)@  Ed

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