Excuse me if this is not the correct venue. The previously linked report
made a few comments on possible lunar based radio telescopes. However upon
searching I did not see any recent firm plans. Does any know what work is
being done?

On Fri, Nov 1, 2019, 2:25 PM Michelle Thompson <mountain.miche...@gmail.com>

> Thank you. This, along with the ICSIS, have been very helpful in learning
> about what's going on and what to expect in the developing radio
> environment.
> A proposed amateur radio plan (from ARISS) is in addition to what's
> covered in the Architecture report and the ICSIS. I'll forward whatever I
> can get as soon as I can.
> -Michelle W5NYV
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 4:23 AM Kevin K Gifford <kevin.giff...@colorado.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi Space-RF-SDR enthusiasts -
>> Please see below link for the recent (9/25/2019) space agencies lunar
>> communications architecture final report that has detailed information on
>> the planned communications links, protocols and frequencies.
>> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=2ahUKEwi85KXB8sjlAhUDWa0KHcQhA7MQFjABegQIBBAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ioag.org%2FPublic%2520Documents%2FLunar%2520communications%2520architecture%2520study%2520report%2520Final%25209-25-2019.docx&usg=AOvVaw127_IRN2aAY9Kbmnt4IBlt
>> This is the current baseline for Gateway and downstream lunar surface
>> operational infrastructure.  The protocol specifications are all available
>> at ccsds.org.
>> Kevin
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Michelle Thompson <mountain.miche...@gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 31, 2019 5:41 PM
>> *To:* John Malsbury <jmalsbury.perso...@gmail.com>
>> *Cc:* Kevin K Gifford <kevin.giff...@colorado.edu>;
>> discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: Lunar Orbiting Platform Gateway
>> Yes - I'm attempting to get a copy of the slides from recent ARISS
>> presentations. There was a diagram with planned frequencies. Plenty to work
>> with.
>> -Michelle W5NYV
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 11:57 AM John Malsbury <
>> jmalsbury.perso...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> And you mentioned something about amateur radio portions, Michelle?
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 11:52 AM Kevin K Gifford <
>> kevin.giff...@colorado.edu> wrote:
>> Hi -
>> I am involved in recommending the radio communications architecture for
>> Gateway which is baselined to utilize CCSDS (see cases.org
>> <http://secure-web.cisco.com/14BfF4_24IRkgzQdyG_jVmFaYx-p8IuZGUlAWDhtloQT8XzN1W3LBL_cN4g9UjzZYzfzFwZYsCSX9rbuLRipLqtFi_vFoOeD7UoxtQjgChHIHjVL1DjRmZaBxaCP97TiIon4SuS1OlazDts1JZkzLqqo_Hl0qA06M5CBsHM5F5Fsda-LQZqgszJV3969nFHeMXUlFEbOWB9XQxWVyQI5nqx4os_FIe5eTaHe-XgVMFwMsz0KPRA8508CeME_1tOZFpMfD3N_nZEWdxFrutEx-r0vU4g6eHdXPRo-6dTGSJZINF4NfgAeonKOsrHV0wB_XuI9bKTxba5cxUUjmSFT6fuHDaud1jnKtNj2lND4zj98TRcXGKyxtsWzlMKeq9miIB20mSjOTK0ymPTqoRcScFE6vX4eyTdsdoSETs9ICb23WVbioaFtfrts5GvWi7XzOPYo4bohK-DVr6VEnfDu1SQ/http%3A%2F%2Fcases.org>)
>> protocols.
>> For long-haul RF links (Gateway to Earth) Unified Space Link Protocol
>> (USLP).
>> For short-haul RF (Gateway to lunar surface): Proximity-1 and AOS
>> For proximity wireless networks (around Gateway and on lunar surface)
>> 802.11 n/ac baselined, 802.11ax and LTE are under strong consideration.
>> Please feel free to respond directly if additional information is needed
>> and I’ll strive to assist.
>> Kevin
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Discuss-gnuradio <discuss-gnuradio-bounces+kevin.gifford=
>> colorado....@gnu.org> on behalf of John Malsbury <
>> jmalsbury.perso...@gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 30, 2019 12:34 PM
>> *To:* Michelle Thompson <mountain.miche...@gmail.com>
>> *Cc:* discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: Lunar Orbiting Platform Gateway
>> It was a cheap joke on my part (and not at all commentary on the gateway
>> concept).  Disregard.
>> I'd be down to collaborate on something open source.  Could you point to
>> publicly available documents that summarize the standards/specs?
>> -John
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 8:50 AM Michelle Thompson <
>> mountain.miche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I was hesitant to ask why, but I'm curious now.
>> I know the Gateway is controversial. I understand there's a lot of doubt
>> it will actually happen. The heavy emphasis on commercial activity is
>> another aspect.
>> However, I've been asked for help on a receiving station for the amateur
>> radio portions that might be included. There's a lot of overlap between
>> what I do and the type of communications proposed.
>> Comment and critique would be very appreciated here.
>> -Michelle W5NYV
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 7:14 AM Müller, Marcus (CEL) <muel...@kit.edu>
>> wrote:
>> Hey John,
>> > > Anyone working on…
>> > Definitely not
>> Does that imply they're finished?
>> Best regards,
>> Marcus

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