Hi Gilad, I have been using a python block to do automatic gain control to
the USRP (x310 in my case).
Please take a look at
https://gist.github.com/wheberth/a358dac24fecbb9dcfb7035e66d2ca85 and see
if it is useful to you.

Best Regards

Em ter., 17 de out. de 2017 às 21:39, Julian Arnold <jul...@elitecoding.org>

> Hey,
> I created a test branch for the AGC a few years ago. It should still work.
> You can find it here:
> https://github.com/jarn0ld/gnuradio/tree/jarnold/b2xx_agc?files=1
> Cheers,
> Julian
> Julian Arnold, M.Sc
> Institute for Networked Systems
> RWTH-Aachen University
> Kackertstrasse 9
> 52072 Aachen
> Germany
> On 17. Oct 2017, at 17:01, Martin Braun <martin.br...@ettus.com> wrote:
> On 10/17/2017 01:16 AM, Gilad Beeri (ApolloShield) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure whether this question should be posted in this mailing list
> or in usrp-users.
> The USRP Source has a method called get_device() which returns an
> internal pointer to the multi_usrp. The internal USRP object has a
> method of set_rx_agc().
> How can I access it through Python?
> Assuming src is a USRP Source block,
> src.get_device() returns: <Swig Object of type
> '::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr *' at 0x7f250bf30300>
> You cannot. We don't SWIG the multi_usrp object.
> but then the returned object (dev) has no interesting functions
> (only 'acquire', 'append', 'disown', 'next', 'own').
> Is there a way to control the USRP B2xx's AGC (AD936x's AGC) through
> Python? If not, what should I change in the source code to make it happen?
> You can extend usrp_source and usrp_sink to include AGC-controlling
> methods. Mostly, they're simple forwards to the underlying multi_usrp call.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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*Wheberth Damascena Dias*
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