On 12/04/2019 04:08 PM, Lukas Haase wrote:
Hi Marcus,

No, unofrtunately.

0 gain is still something like -10dBm. Huge and clearly visible on a spectrum 
Where the exact tone is doesn't matter because my span is 10Mhz (I actually 
meant 915MHz) and I used full span to look at the entire frequency range.

The point is: I filled all numbers in numerically and everything works if the 
URSP Source is in my main block. Then I *copy and paste* everything (to avoid 
any doubts) into a hier-block, put in the hier block and it stops working. I 
showed the exact screenshots.
Even the leakage from the USRP itself is gone which means that the USRP just 
turns off, crashed badly or similar.

This is either a weird bug or we are not supposed to use the USRP block within 
a hier block.


The USRP source wouldn't really have any "idea" that it's inside a hier block. This may be a weird Gnu Radio limitation--hier blocks normally have at least an input, and usually an input and an output. But a GR expert might want to chime in about whether this case "works".

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