I'll get it ported over Christmas break, if you can wait that long

On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 4:59 PM Vasil Velichkov <vvvelich...@gmail.com>

> Hi Robert,
> On 18/12/2019 00.41, Robert Meyer wrote:
> > After that I used pybombs to install gr-ais, and then used <gr_modtool
> > update -complete> in order to try to convert resources to gnuradio 3.8
> This would only convert the GRC blocks from XML to YAML format. You also
> need a lot of cmake related changes.
> https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/GNU_Radio_3.8_OOT_Module_Porting_Guide#CMake_Updates
> > I was able to build without errors, but when running the block I got the
> > error:
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >
> >                 File
> > "/home/superuser/prefix/default/src/gr-ais/build/testing_gr_ais.py",
> line 27
> > in <module>
> >
> >                                 From ais import gmsk_sync
> >
> > ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ais'
> Make sure there are no undefined symbols in libgnuradio-ais.so and
> _ais_swig.so
>     $ ldd  -r ./lib/libgnuradio-ais.so  | grep undefined
>     undefined symbol: _ZN2gr6blocks13vector_sink_c4makeEii
> (./lib/libgnuradio-ais.so)
>     undefined symbol:
> _ZN2gr6blocks15vector_source_b4makeERKSt6vectorIhSaIhEEbiRKS2_INS_5tag_tESaIS7_EE
> (./lib/libgnuradio-ais.so)
>     undefined symbol:
> _ZN2gr6filter14fir_filter_ccf4makeEiRKSt6vectorIfSaIfEE
>  (./lib/libgnuradio-ais.so)
>     $ c++filt  _ZN2gr6blocks13vector_sink_c4makeEii
>     gr::blocks::vector_sink_c::make(int, int)
>     $ c++filt _ZN2gr6filter14fir_filter_ccf4makeEiRKSt6vectorIfSaIfEE
>     gr::filter::fir_filter_ccf::make(int, std::vector<float,
> std::allocator<float> > const&)
> In case you get the same symbols then you need to link with
> gnuradio-blocks and gnuradio-filter using the new cmake syntax. In
> lib/CMakeLists.txt add something like
>     target_link_libraries(gnuradio-ais gnuradio::gnuradio-blocks
> gnuradio::gnuradio-filter)
> Also in python/__init__.py you can add a try except block around the
> import statements and log and reraise any exceptions.
> P.S.
> If you manage to port it successfully consider opening a pull request.
> Regards,
> Vasil

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