I am not an expert in OS X.  I likely am missing an easy work around for a 
gnuradio install missing file problem.

I tried brew edit gnuradio, but there is no mention in the that script of 
icu4c, which is what is failing when dependencies are being addressed after I 
run brew install gnuradio:

Downloading https://fossies.org/linux/misc/icu4c-55_1-src.tgz
#=#=-# #
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 410 Gone
Error: Failed to download resource "icu4c"
Download failed: https://fossies.org/linux/misc/icu4c-55_1-src.tgz

What is valid is "icu4c-65_1-src.tgz" at the same address (instead of 55_1).  
How can I find the script and run it locally after editing it?  I also 
downloaded the icu4c-55 file from a valid link and installed it manually, but 
the brew install gnuradio process apparently does not see this installation and 
goes ahead with the outdated https request.

Is there a way I can alter my host file so that when it looks in the wrong 
place for the 55 version, I can point it to a new place for the 55 version?

This is an old iMac9,1 on 10.6.8 which i am trying also to upgrade to 10.15, 
but that is a slow process and in the meantime i want to see if I can complete 
gnuradio so that I can play with my new rtl-sdr dongle. 

I googled for this problem and did not find anything.


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