The device in question is to replace an existing RF-to-baseband
component of a geographically distributed signal collection system. 
Each receiving station samples the 6 MHz passband, detects a signal and
estimates a time-of-arrival, then sends it on to a central facility that
performs the multilateration calculations.  The existing TOA codebase
(and other decoders) expects 2 ns samples.


On 1/26/2020 3:38 PM, Marcus Müller wrote:

> Seconding what Brian says:
> Math says *any* signal up to a bandwidth of 6 MHz can be represented by
> 6 MS/s. So, either, your signal isn't that bandlimited, or you forgot
> to tell us an important requirement (or you might have your math
> wrong).
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On Sun, 2020-01-26 at 14:13 -0500, Brian Padalino wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 1:20 PM Mike <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am hoping someone on the list could suggest a device that
>>> receives in
>>> lower L-band (1.0 to 1.6 GHz) and can cover 6 MHz (+/- 3 MHz around
>>> center) at (and here's the trick) 500 MS/second with at least 8
>>> bits of
>>> resolution.  I'm looking for 2 ns baseband samples from multiple
>>> receivers to perform trilateration.
>> Interesting conflicting requirements with the baseband bandwidth of
>> 6MHz but 500MSPS ADC.
>> Are you sure you don't need a much wider baseband bandwidth as well?
>> Brian

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