
huh. That looks hard to debug; also, the slow down is suspicious (as
long as there's memory available, it shouldn't take significantly
longer to get some – usually, memory fragmentation isn't *that* bad,
and this shouldn't be doing *that* much memory allocation).

Could you put all your code in one .py file (or a set of these) that
one can simply execute right away? That would allow us to reproduce.
Also, could you tell us your specific GNU Radio version (all four
digits of it?).

Best regards,

On Tue, 2020-02-11 at 16:34 -0800, Roman A Sandler wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am using GNURadio to decode a large amount of 1024-sample complex
> vectors of different modulation schemes. Thus, I have a for loop
> which runs gr.top_block.run() at each iteration and uses a vector
> sink to collect the results. The issue is that as the simulation
> keeps going, each itertion takes longer (e.g. starts of at 120it/sec,
> and then after 5000 iterations slows down to 10it/sec). I can see in
> task manager (I am on windows) that memory is increasing so clearly
> there is a memory leak where somehow the results of the iterations
> arent being deleted. 
> Is there an explicit way to delete runs or is this a bug?
> calling code:
> ```
> for _ in range(10000):
>     decode(sig)
> ```
> decode func:
> ```
> def decode(channel_sigs):
>     tb = gr.top_block()
>     ##################################################
>     # Variables
>     ##################################################
>     nfilts = 32
>     sps = 4
>     timing_loop_bw = 3 * 6.28 / 100.0  # NOTE: this controls
> convergence speed!
>     constellation_scheme, bps = get_constellation_scheme(scheme)
>     rrc_taps = firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1.0 /
> float(sps), 0.35, 11 * sps * nfilts)
>     phase_bw = 6.28 / 100.0
>     eq_gain = 0.01
>     arity = 4
>     #### Actual blocks
>     channel_src = blocks.vector_source_c(channel_sigs, False)
>     digital_pfb_clock_sync = digital.pfb_clock_sync_ccf(sps,
> timing_loop_bw, rrc_taps, nfilts,
>                                                         nfilts / 2,
> 1.5, 1)
>     constellation_soft_decoder =
> digital.constellation_soft_decoder_cf(constellation_scheme)
>     binary_slicer = digital.binary_slicer_fb()
>     blocks_char_to_float = blocks.char_to_float(1, 1)
>     recovered_bits_dst = blocks.vector_sink_f()
>     ##################################################
>     # Connections
>     ##################################################
>     tb.connect((channel_src, 0), (digital_pfb_clock_sync, 0))
>     tb.connect((digital_pfb_clock_sync, 0),
> (constellation_soft_decoder, 0))
>     tb.connect((constellation_soft_decoder, 0), (binary_slicer, 0))
>     tb.connect((binary_slicer, 0), (blocks_char_to_float, 0))
>     tb.connect((blocks_char_to_float, 0), (recovered_bits_dst, 0))
>     tb.run()
>     recovered_bits = np.array(recovered_bits_dst.data())
>     return recovered_bits
> ```

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