Hello Mr.Marcus Muller ,

   I totally understand and i apologize for not asking my question in
public . I am new to this forum . I have been working on gnu radio for some
time and just came to know about this platform that does discussion . So I
just got an idea of how to subscribe and how to post the questions. I am
totally sorry if something is wrong . Yes i will see through the reply you
sent and try to work on it and will get you back soon

Thanks and regards ,
Ranganathan Sampathkumar

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 4:31 PM Müller, Marcus (CEL) <muel...@kit.edu>

> Hi!
> On Fri, 2020-02-14 at 14:57 -0600, sampath ranga wrote:
> > How are you? I am Ranganathan Sampathkumar, one of the research students
> who gave request to you through Linkedin a few days ago.
> I'd respectfully like to point out that as an author and maintainer of
> open source software, it's often a very time-consuming task to read the
> private messages asking for advice about one's projects. Knowing the
> less-than-amusing messages that show up on the issues on Basti's
> software projects, I think it what reaches him in private actually be a
> really bad burden for him.
> It's really much better that you wrote here to the mailing list; in
> general, unless it's really something that *must* be done in privacy,
> it's polite to use the public platforms of open source projects and
> communities. Thanks for reaching out in this public way!
> > 1. Is the implementation verification can only be done with TelosB mote
> with contiki firmware?
> Haven't played with in a while, but gr-ieee802-15-4 is at least as far
> as I know a standards-compliant implementation: If you configure it in
> a standards-compliant way, it simply "speaks" zigbee.
> > Can we use other Zigbee hardware to sniff the message?
> Yes?
> >  When i tried to do that i can transceive the message successfully in
> Wireshark
> with what did you try? Notice that the Wireshark dissector might not
> like the packet format of all capture devices.
> >  2. Or if i do in reverse, say for example if i try to send a message
> > from other Zigbee device to the GNU Radio that has transceiver code
> > with .pcap file, I am seeing the "packets that has been sent from the
> > transceiver in .pcap file at Wireshark  but the .pcap file doesnot
> > have the message from the other hardware device".
> There's different 802.15.4 PHYs, make sure you're using the same, and
> appropriately configured, for your other device. There's more that can
> go wrong here than can go right – employ your signal processing
> knowledge and the Qt GUI sinks to inspect what you're receiving while
> you are receiving it.
> Best regards,
> Marcus

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