Good afternoon David and list!
Recently I had your same problems developing an application ( a SDR
transceiver, mainly for satellite ops, based on ADALM Pluto).
The main headache was " how I can *click* on the waterfall and *tune*
there?...", clearly invoking some variable interaction.... then yor same
Next, studying much deeper how manage messages I found a nice solution: a
block that "manipulate" the input message and send several different
messages ( RX chain / TX chain) around the flowgraph.
Please, take a look to .
Please use the last version.
It isn't currently finished but it's working!
Actually this work has another goal: "split" the transceiver in two parts:
a REMOTE, low noise site + antennas + PA + allthestuff connected via LTE
link to a LOCAL where all the magic happen ( demod / tuning /voice
compressor and so on). The main effort is related to minimize the request
bandwidth on LTE link ( $$$$$ )
Hope that could help!

73's de I3VFJ, Vittorio

Il giorno lun 20 apr 2020 alle ore 02:27 David Hagood <> ha scritto:

> It seems to me that there is a fundamental design flaw in how the UI
> elements of GnuRadio Companion work.
> Several modules, like the Qt Frequency blocks, can output messages when
> you click them, to inform *somebody* as to where you clicked. This would
> be great for setting a new frequency, but...
> All the Qt UI elements, like ranges and check boxes, only work on
> variables, and cannot accept nor generate messages. So if you want your
> UI to have a range box to set center frequency, it has to modify a
> variable.
> BUT: Since there seems to be no way to have a message be received and
> update a variable, there is no way to have the Qt Frequency display
> message update a variable that is controlled by a Qt Range object.
> I've tried to write my own block to handle the messages and update the
> variable, BUT:
> 1) You cannot access variables inside the block from the UI elements -
> they all fail with a "type null is unacceptable for the variable", so
> you cannot save the flow graph.
> 2) If you do an ugly thing and pass "self" (the flowgraph object) to the
> block, you can access the variables in the flowgraph, but setting the
> variable directly does not call any update functions (i.e. the
> set_<variablename> setter method is not called).
> 3) If you have the block call the set_<variable> function directly, and
> if the update manipulates any Qt object (which is needed so that the UI
> will update), it fails because the message handler is in a different
> thread from the flowgraph UI, and Qt won't allow the call to happen.
> 4) There is the function probe, which
> 4a) is ugly because it is polling code
> 4b) does not seem to be able to set a flowgraph level variable to the
> return value of the function, making it useless for this purpose anyway.
> Now, if ALL UI elements could handle messages, then you could at least
> write a block that could parse the messages from UI elements, and create
> new messages as needed to "make things happen". Or if there were a way
> to add a message handler to the flowgraph and specialize it's code, you
> could handle messages that way. Or if there were a block that would
> accept messages and set variables at the flowgraph level based upon the
> message (with any callbacks happening correctly), that would work.
> I don't see how a non-trivial application can be created without having
> some solution to this, so am I missing something? or is this something
> that will be fixed sometime in the misty future with all the UI elements
> have been re-written to handle messages?

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