On 06/19/2020 08:29 PM, Barry Duggan wrote:
Hi James and others,

Success! Using the code from https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/blob/master/gr-analog/python/analog/wfm_rcv_fmdet.py with several modifications, I built a FM stereo receiver using only basic blocks. See the revised https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/File:USRP_FM_stereo_fg.png

Thank you for everyone's help / suggestions.
Barry Duggan KV4FV

You know, I had forgotten that I did this, several years back:


On 2020-06-17 01:11, James Hayek wrote:
Evening Barry, I'll put this on my to do list tomorrow morning for the

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:45 PM Barry Duggan <ba...@dcsmail.net> wrote:


I have a broadcast FM (mono) receiver which works well, with good audio
and clean traces in the Time Domain. See

Then I made a stereo version. See
https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/File:USRP_FM_stereo_fg.png Using
it, the sound has a distortion but does not have any audio underruns.
The traces in the Time Domain have a lot of "fuzz" (noise?).

Do I need a filter? If so, would it come before or after the WBFM
Receive PLL block?

Once I have a good design, I will use it as an Example Flowgraph.

Thanks for your help.
Barry Duggan KV4FV

James G Hayek

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