
I am trying to import a large number of taps (1023) into a Decimating FIR 
Filter, in order to repeat (as reference), a GRC experiment that was published 
about four years ago.
The taps import method used at the time was numpy.genfromtxt(), that much is 

I have tried using numpy.fromfile, numpy.genfromtxt and others in the Filter 
block itself without success and have been looking for possible examples of 
file import use in the installed /example folders and elsewhere.
The filter taps do however populate directly from a GRC variable python list as 
real(floats), [1,1, –1, 1,1 ....] 
Firdes is operable and the python wrappers for filter design populate the taps 
in much the same way.

The coefficient values are externally generated complex floats, but can be 
easily converted into other numeric or delimited text formats, as BPSK coding 
is being used. This much has been tried.

On a completely unrelated matter, I hope, the Filter Design Tool is inoperative.

I apologise if this is covering old ground again.
David GD4FMB

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