
I don't know much about BER curves, but this example may help you some: https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/blob/master/gr-fec/examples/ber_curve_gen.grc

Also search the archives of this newsletter. IIRC, there is a discussion about the bus inputs.

Remember to CC discuss-gnuradio in your reply. I forgot on the first time for this!

Barry Duggan KV4FV

On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 00:00:51 +0330, farhan pishe wrote:


I am trying to plot the BER vs Es/N0 using QT Bercurve Sink which has 16 inputs. But the result is always a constant line and I don't know the reason and it is blowing my mind. Also, I don't know whether there is an alternative way to plot BER vs SNR. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me in this regard. I just want to plot a simple bit error rate curve.


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