(A bit more explanation about the receiver sampling rate:

You can use a sampling rate that is slower than the chip rate, and still 
recover the data, due to the reduendencies introduced by the chip sequence. You 
can afford to lose part of the spectrum and still recover the contained 
informatin. But realitically, the sampling rate cannot be much lower than that 
of the chipping rate. )

Kyeong Su Shin
보낸 사람: Kyeong Su Shin <kss...@postech.ac.kr> 대신 Discuss-gnuradio 
보낸 날짜: 2020년 10월 14일 수요일 오후 2:15
받는 사람: AKINYELE ITAMAKINDE <aitamaki...@abuad.edu.ng>; discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org 
제목: Re: Chip rate and sampling rate

Hello Akinyele:

1. Is chip rate same as sample rate?

-> It could be, but not necessarily. It depends on your system. Assuming I-Q 
sampling, the sampling rate of the transmitter must be equal to or higher than 
the chipping rate of the signal (Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem). Also, it is 
preferrable to use an integer multiple of the chipping rate as the sampling 
rate of the transmitter. For the receiver, you can choose any sampling rate 
that is somewhat higher than the symbol rate of the system, but really, it 
should be close to or higher than the chipping rate of the signal (to maximize 
the SNR).

2. Is there any relationship betwen chip rate and symbol rate?

-> Usually, the symbol rate is in integer fraction of the chipping rate.  (ex: 
1 symbol per 50 chips)

3.  Lastly, how can one arrive at actually usrp transmitter power when 
transmitting LFSR sequence.

-> Sorry, but I think I don't understand your question. If you want to know the 
absolute power strength (in dBm), then you need a calibrated receiver.

보낸 사람: AKINYELE ITAMAKINDE <aitamaki...@abuad.edu.ng> 대신 Discuss-gnuradio 
보낸 날짜: 2020년 10월 14일 수요일 오전 9:17
받는 사람: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
제목: Chip rate and sampling rate

Is chip rate same as sample rate? Is there any relationship betwen chip rate 
and symbol rate? Lastly, how can one arrive at actually usrp transmitter power 
when transmitting LFSR sequence. Thanks

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