"When responding to a thread from Discuss Gnuradio, be sure to include it as a CC or 
'Reply All'."

Yup. When I received the daily digest today, I realized my mistake. My bad. 
(*waves at everyone*)

Thanks, Barry!

On 12/4/20 4:27 PM, Barry Duggan wrote:
Hi Gary,

Thank you for your correction. We have updated 
https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Quadrature_Demod and fixed the math 
rendering as well :)

Also I have added your FM posts to 

You may be interested in https://pysdr.org/ in reference to your creating 
filters using Python code.

Barry Duggan KV4FV

P.S. When responding to a thread from Discuss Gnuradio, be sure to include it 
as a CC or 'Reply All'.

On 12/3/20 8:22 PM, Gary Schafer wrote:
Hi, Barry! (*waves*)

That's great! Glad to help where I can! Can't tell you how much I appreciate 
GRC. I'm actually working on a SDR class based on it.

With respect to the quad demod block documentation, the *text* that says, "the one-sample delayed 
input and the conjugate undelayed signal", should read "the one-sample 
delayed-&-conjugated input and the undelayed input signal". The delayed sample is also the one 
that is conjugated.

FYI, the Tex code is correct.

I was working on demodding NOAA APT signals for my next post (cuz that is a fun one) 
followed by a post on creating filters using Python code (the "tap" blocks). Do 
you have suggestions for other posts?



On 12/3/20 9:00 PM, Barry Duggan wrote:
Hi Gary,

You have some very interesting material there! I plan to include it in our 
https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/SuggestedReading list.

In reference to the https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Quadrature_Demod block, 
what part do you think needs correcting? I work on the GNU Radio documentation 
and would like to make sure things are stated correctly.


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