On 12/22/2020 08:21 PM, Glen Langston wrote:
Hello GNuradio Superheros,

I have to say, after 5 years with gnu radio, I’m either tool old or
something has to change.

I’ve been trying to produce some tools for High School teacher to do radio 
and for that gnuradio 3.7 was perfectly fine.  However some people are 
to make “improvements” that break everything.   I used to really like gnuradio.

I like the SDRPlay device, but it can not be used in gnuradio 3.8.  According 
to the web.
But the web indicates it might be usable in 3.9
So I installed 3.9 only to find that swig has been replace by pybind.  This 
breaks all my
existing C++ modules.   The modules worked fine, but if using ubuntu 20.40 the 
students can not
easily install gnuradio 3.7.  The pybind instructions are puzzling.  gr-modtool 
all the
modules copy something or other.   This is for no good reason that I’m aware of.
Either make the equivalent of pythons “2to3” or do not make the gnuradio 
fundamental changes.

Stop making useless changes that break all code!

We do NOT need these changes.  The advice on the web, after I’ve spent 2 days 
building 3.9
on a Raspberry pi is use 3.8.  This is frustrating.

The documentation is falling apart because of all these variants.

It is good to make changes that ADD tool capabilities.  It is NOT good to make 
changes that
make small improvements and break such large fractions of the code.

Sorry for the Rant.

Best regards Glen

Glen, I sympathize. But compared to the 3.6-->3.7 debacle, the changes have been easier, in my experience.

The switch to pybind11 was because SWIG is no longer a supported subsystem, from what I understand.

The change from XML to YAML for .grc files and .grc block descriptions is a bit more gratuitous, IMHO, but there may be subtle improvements in YAML compared to XML (apart from the easier syntax) that I'm not aware of.

MOST of my own library of radio astronomy code is still stuck at GR 3.7 -- because of the pain you note. I did manage to get stupid_simple_pulsar working on GR3.9, but it required some patches to be applied to the underlying code-base because certain *crucial* setters for frequently-used blocks like multiply_const and add_const and subtract_const hadn't actually had pybind11 bindings produced for them. Which lead to silent and very-perplexing failure. It may be the case that there is no automated tooling to go from SWIG to PyBind11, which means that it's easy to miss stuff. Dunno.

The GR developers, per se, cannot be blamed for things like hardware-specific drivers not being available--those are the clear responsibility of the purveyors of those drivers. Now, granted, the lack of availability may be BECAUSE of the "pain" factor. Similarly, the particular configurations of GR in *specific* Linux distributions is NOT the mandate of the GR project, per se. If your fave Linux distro happens to package GR in a way that is unpleasant in your particular circumstance, that isn't, generally, the fault of the GR team here.

I've been a C/C++/Python developer now for just over 4 decades, and the modern "let a thousand flowers bloom" nature of Linux is **daunting** not just for *users*, but for *developers* as well. I get grief for my own code because someone wants to build/install it on some version of Linux with which I am utterly unfamiliar. If I had to become intimately familiar with the machinations of every single Linux variant out there (in the multiple dimensions of version, hardware platform, package-management-framework, etc), I'd
  only be able to produce perhaps 1 piece of software every 5 years or so.

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