Hi, I'm writing an NXDN decoder in GNU Radio and I've realized there are two 
blocks (Complex Correlate Access Code Tag and Sign Scrambler) in the gr-c4fm 
module that do exactly what I need, but they're totally undocumented and I am a 
little new to this environment. My signal chain is currently:
LPF -> Quadrature Demod -> Symbol Sync (w/ RRC Filter) -> Frequency Locked Loop 
-> C4FM Soft Decision -> Quaternary Slicer
So I have some questions that I'm hoping Mr. Roe or someone else who's used 
these blocks could help me with (these are all specific to the gr-c4fm OOT 

I'm not detecting any bit errors after the first few seconds of fine-tuning, is 
there a downside to using the hard decision slicer?

When I try using the gr-c4fm Complex Correlate Access Code it tags false 
positives, though the standard access code tag block has been working exactly 
as it should with the slicer output. How can I eliminate the extra tags?

Related, I noticed that the gain on the Soft Decision had a pronounced effect 
on the Correlate block but I just had it set to 1, which was working for the 
hard decision slicer. How exactly do I calibrate this gain?

It seems like the Sign Scrambler expects as inputs the (-3, -1, 1, 3) symbol 
values in float format so I assume I would type convert and Map the dibits 
before giving them to the scrambler. But if I don't use the hard decision and 
keep the soft decisions, what would be the best way to go from complex form to 

bitwise bill

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