I am planning to update an OOT module I wrote 4 years ago. I setup a laptop 
with a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 to use for development. I installed GNU 
Radio 3.8, but then I decided to go with 3.9, so I removed 3.8, and installed 
3.9 from the PPA. Then I ran
modtool newmod streamx ...
cd streamx
modtool add ...
modtool  bind ...

and then tried
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

I didn't have cmake, so I installed that, and then doxygen, and then some 
others. Still getting errors so I installed ALL the dependencies for building 
GNU Radio as described here 

I'm still getting the following errors from cmake
-- Checking for module 'mpir >= 3.0'
--   No package 'mpir' found
-- Python checking for pygccxml - not found
CMake Error in lib/CMakeLists.txt:
  Imported target "gnuradio::gnuradio-runtime" includes non-existent path
  in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.  Possible reasons include:

So, do I need mpir and pygccxml? If yes, where to find them and how to install?

How do I investigate the missing /include? I can see the include directory in 
my new streamx module, it's exactly where modtool put it.


UbuntuInstall - GNU 
Building GNU Radio on Ubuntu Linux []. GNU Radio works well on all Ubuntu 
versions from 10.04 upward. It is also possible to install GNU Radio on older 
releases of Ubuntu (see #Building_GNU_Radio_on_Legacy_Ubuntu).However, we may 
not be able to provide sufficient support for legacy OS.

InstallingGR - GNU Radio<https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/InstallingGR>
>From Binaries []. The recommended way to install GNU Radio on most platforms 
>is using already available binary packages (see Ubuntu PPA Installation).For 
>some platforms there are no binaries provided by available package managers or 
>the GNU Radio project.

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