Python includes a debugger (pdb) and IDEs like VSCode have decent Python
debugging. This should work fine for Python scripts like those generated by
GRC. Internally, GNU Radio is highly parallel, which creates additional
challenges not related to language ... how do you stop one block when that
changes the behavior of, or crashes, the whole framework?

Anything in particular you are trying to debug?

On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 6:51 PM Nicholas Long <>

> So this is a relatively generic question about what people's processes for
> writing and debugging python blocks are.
> In C++ I use VScode and just run the gdb debugger - I can place
> breakpoints, look at variables, and step through the program super easily.
> Ideally I would like to be able to do the same with python blocks, but am
> not sure if it is possible.
> Thanks,
> Nick

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