
Seeing that you can install these separately, you definitely are setting the 
environment variabl so that either version is found; do the same for 
that the two block libraries don't interfere, if you haven't already.

Then: GNU Radio 3.9 respects a new environment variable:
GR_PREFS_PATH, which defines where GNU Radio (and through that, GRC) look for
configuration. And since GRC saves the opened files in that configuration (at 
least if my
memory serves me well), that would solve this issue.

Best regards,

On 17.01.21 22:32, Tom Breyer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I installed 3.8.2 and 3.9.0RC0 on my system (Debian 11 testing).
> Both instances are running well but I want to distinguish/separate the
> files which are opened when I start GRC. At the moment 3.8.2 is opening
> file a + b and when I start 3.9.0, the same files are opened. Instead of
> this I want 3.9.0 to open its files c + d (for example).
> Is there a command line option available to determine a "working space"
> or directory?
> Thanks for reading.
> Tom, DJ6TB

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