On 04/04/2021 03:53 AM, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
Hi Marcus,

as I have written, I have tried to use a UDP source (and to connect it
to a UDP sink with a different IP address and port) but it does not seem
to work. As I am quite new to GNU radio, I have certainly made a mistake
somewhere. If I only needed a TS source (no matter which one) I could
stick with a file. I have already done that and it worked.

Could somebody please direct me to the documentation where the basic
principle of how GNU Radio works is explained? I know that there are
blocks that you can connect together but there must be a "controller"
somewhere and I would like to understand how this controller works and
how the blocks are called. What I have read until now does not answer my
questions :-)

Happy Easter,

The "controller" that you're talking about in Gnu Radio is called the "scheduler".

Here's a talk by Marcus Mueller on the subject:


But I'd also suggest spending time at the gnuradio.org website in the documentation and tutorials section. But also, there's the source

  • Transport... Ralf Gorholt
    • Re: ... Marcus D Leech
      • ... Ralf Gorholt
        • ... Ron Economos
        • ... Marcus D. Leech
        • ... jean-michel.fri...@femto-st.fr
    • Re: ... David Oriot
    • Re: ... Karl
    • Re: ... GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio
      • ... Ralf Gorholt
        • ... Marcus D. Leech
          • ... Ralf Gorholt

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