Hi Ralf,

it's not about the version of gr-osmosdr – the gr-osmosdr you use just has to 
be linked
against exactly the ABI version of the GNU Radio you intend to run :)
Debian, and thus Ubuntu, and thus Mint, do ship a gr-osmosdr, which is built 
against their
build of GNU Radio; that's why linux distros are cool: they make sure that 
pieces of software (e.g. gr-osmosdr) using different libraries (e.g. GNU Radio) 
work", by offering "coherent" builds.

So, when you use a different GNU Radio than the one shipped by your Distro, you 
need to
then make sure all software using (i.e. linking against) that software is 
manually built
against this your "non-distro" version – exactly what you're observing :)

Best regards,

On 11.04.21 21:32, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> to be precise: I use Linux Mint 20.1 which is based on Ubuntu.
> Effectively, the gr-osmosdr module version 0.2.0-2 works with the
> version of GNU Radio that is available by default in this Linux Mint
> version (3.8.1-rc1-2build2) but as far as I remember, it did not work
> with GNU Radio 3.8.2, the GNU Radio version that I have installed.
> That's the reason why I have compiled it from source.
> Kind regards,
> Ralf
> Am 11.04.2021 um 17:31 schrieb Marcus Müller:
>> Hi Ralf,
>> glad to hear you've got it to work!
>> When not using the PPA (which I was assuming you'd be doing), you'd get the 
>> exact
>> gr-osmosdr that works with Ubuntu's version of GNU Radio (i.e. as I 
>> thought you've
>> installed?).
>> Best regards,
>> Marcus
>> On 11.04.21 16:40, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
>>> Hello Marcus,
>>> I had done this before (installed from PPA) but I didn't get a module
>>> that worked with GNU Radio 3.8.2. That's why I have compiled it from
>>> source. When the module is compiled, you have to pay attention to the
>>> correct prefix for cmake.
>>> Ralf
>>> Am 11.04.2021 um 14:37 schrieb Marcus Müller:
>>>> You have to do none of this,
>>>> sudo apt install gr-osmosdr
>>>> does everything. And then you're done and can use the OSMOSDR Source or 
>>>> the RTL-Source
>>>> (which are essentially the same).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Marcus
>>>> On 11.04.21 13:26, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
>>>>> Hello Alberto,
>>>>> you may try this:
>>>>> git clone git://github.com/osmocom/gr-osmosdr -b gr3.8
>>>>> That's how I got the sources for GNU Radio 3.8 one or two weeks ago.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ralf
>>>>> Am 11.04.2021 um 12:35 schrieb alberto.alle...@alice.it:
>>>>>> I follow now this guide:
>>>>>> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2020-09/pdfNp27msymbN.pdf
>>>>>> But at point 7 i have a problem.
>>>>>> alberto@alberto-Studio-XPS-1340:~/sdr_stuff$ git clone
>>>>>> https://git.osmocom.org/gr-osmosdr
>>>>>> Clone in 'gr-osmosdr' in corso...
>>>>>> error: Failed to connect to git.osmocom.org port 443: Connessione scaduta
>>>>>> (curl_result =
>>>>>> 7, http_code = 0, sha1 = 3d94e1a5d172fc93da9e9638536ee773f4b5a85a)
>>>>>> error: Unable to find 99f14f4991f4154d743fd08b9c49e4eaf8a70001 under
>>>>>> https://git.osmocom.org/gr-osmosdr
>>>>>> Cannot obtain needed blob 99f14f4991f4154d743fd08b9c49e4eaf8a70001
>>>>>> while processing commit 2d504bde50a0c560a9d31b7b38982bd44cc7fe9d.
>>>>>> error: recupero non riuscito.
>>>>>> alberto@alberto-Studio-XPS-1340:~/sdr_stuff$
>>>>>>       ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>>>       Da: fab...@opencode.eu
>>>>>>       Data: 10-apr-2021 22.08
>>>>>>       A: <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
>>>>>>       Ogg: Re: Gnuradio / Ubuntu 20.10
>>>>>>       Hi Alberto,
>>>>>>       Just open a terminal and run
>>>>>>       sudo apt install gnuradio
>>>>>>       And you should be fine. The dependencies for the rtl-sdr are 
>>>>>> already included.
>>>>>>       It is probably not the latest&greatest version of gnuradio, but IT 
>>>>>> should get you
>>>>>>       started.
>>>>>>       Fabian
>>>>>>       Am 10. April 2021 21:38:47 MESZ schrieb Alberto Alletto
>>>>>> <alberto.alle...@alice.it>:
>>>>>>           Hi!
>>>>>>           I’m new on ubuntu world.
>>>>>>           Today i have installed ubuntu 20.10 and i want install 
>>>>>> Gnuradio to work with
>>>>>> RTL-SDR receiver.
>>>>>>           what is the correct procedure to install gnuradio to work with 
>>>>>> the rtl-sdr
>>>>>> receiver?
>>>>>>           Tnx
>>>>>>           Alberto
>>>>>>           Inviato da iPhone

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