I'm running gnuradio companion (Python 3.8.6) on Ubuntu 2020.10. After a few weeks away from gnuradio, today I get errors with the USRP UHD Source, and previously working flowgraphs no longer build. (Previously built flowgraph python files still run fine.) The attached flowgraph doesn't get much simpler, but building yields:

Generating: '/home/mm/sdr/fm/uhdTest.py'
Generate Error: (NameError("'len_tag_name' is not defined"), 'uhd.usrp_source(\n ",".join((${dev_addr}, ${dev_args})),\n uhd.stream_args(\n cpu_format="${type}",\n

[... on and on ...]

, uhd.ALL_MBOARDS)\n% else:\n# No synchronization enforced.\n% endif\n')
>>> Failure
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "memory:0x7f3082ab36d0", line 136, in render_body
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mako/runtime.py", line 106, in __getitem__
    return compat_builtins.__dict__[key]
KeyError: 'len_tag_name'

[... still more...]

Is anyone else seeing this error?


Attachment: uhdTest.grc
Description: application/gnuradio-grc

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