Check your ~/.gnuradio/config.conf file.  In there is a section [modtool]
and a "newmod_path=..."
Verify that matches the value of your installed path.
On mine it says:
newmod_path =
For 3.9, there was a slight change in the behavior how GR finds the newmod
in that it will look wherever the currently installed prefix is, which can
be seen with
gnuradio-config-info --prefix
Make sure your environment variables are sourced correctly - PATH,

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 5:50 PM Ralf Gorholt <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> on my Linux Mint (Ubuntu) box, I have installed and compiled GNU Radio
> 3.9 from source (master branch) as described here:
> and here:
> GNU Radio compiles (without UHD and soapy support) and the tests are ok.
> gnuradio-companion starts and everything seems ok. However, when I try
> to create a new module with "gr_modtool newmod dl5eu", I get the error
> message: ModToolException: Could not find gr-newmod source dir.
> I have also tried what was necessary for Ubuntu 18:
> $ cd /usr/share/gnuradio/modtool/templates/gr-newmod
> $ sudo py3clean .
> but this did not solve the problem.
> With version 3.8 compiled from the maint-3.8 branch I don't have this
> problem. Do you have an idea what I am doing wrong here?
> Thank you very much.
> Kind regards,
> Ralf

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